Sunday, June 3, 2012

22nd Annual Shiba Party

Yesterday, we went to the annual Shiba Party held by the Shiba Inu Fanciers of Northern California. The weather was great and so many people (and Shibas) showed up. 

The park packed with Shibas and their humans

Maya's breeder was one of the event's organizer. It was great to meet her again as well as seeing Maya's sister from the same litter, Geisha. Geisha is now a show dog, working towards her champion title, and will be bred soon. 

According to the breeder, they are able to check for the long-coat gene through a blood test now. Geisha tested positive, but as long as the male Shiba doesn't carry the gene, they can make sure not to produce any long-coat off-springs. That's kind of sad. Though long-coat is a serious fault in the show ring, Maya has been a beautiful "accident" for us. We were even joking about getting a second long-coat Shiba. I guess it'll be really really hard to find when we are ready for another dog.

Maya and her sister, Geisha

Maya and her LC cousin, Michi

Maya's long-coat cousin, Michi, who we meet regularly at our local meetup, also showed up but left early. Maya ended up to be the only "weird looking" Shiba at the party. If we get a dollar each time we hear "Is she a Shiba mix?", "Can I take a picture of your dog?", or "I've never seen a long-coat Shiba before!", we can probably afford the new camera we've been longing for!

Maya was a good girl and posed for many photos through the day. If only she weren't bothered by the allergies, she would have looked even prettier.

Maya posing for many photos

Long coat against the wind

Most Shibas at the party behaved really well. There were some growling and barking, but it's not uncommon for the breed, so no one made a big deal. Ah, I so want a second dog after going to this type of events...


  1. Really bummed that we couldn't make it... since it might be a couple years before we can make it to another Shiba Picnic! But at least I can poke in via photos on Shiba blogs. =)

    That's also lovely that Maya was able to see her breeder and her littermate again. Did she recognize them?

    If you want another spitz that looks like Maya, and can deal with all the excess fur (really?!), maybe you can get a Finnish Lapphund for a second dog. ;)

    1. Oh no. Are you guys leaving the area?

      I think Maya recognized the breeder, but not her sister. We met with her brother a while ago and I don't think they recognize each other either. The owners were more excited than the dogs.

      I like the Finnish Lapphund idea! :)
