Last Wednesday, I spent an hour driving to South San Francisco to pick up my order, but only to learn that they weren't able to book a hotel, so they are coming the next day instead. The guy who answered my phone call said they were suppose to call me, but "somehow they didn't get my invoice" and "it's not his fault". Not your fault my xxx! You mailed me the invoice the day before with my email address and two phone numbers listed on it. I also followed you on twitter and you didn't even bother mentioning it. I'm usually pretty forgiving when it comes to human errors or accidents, but that "it's not my fault" just crossed the line. You just lost a customer FOREVER!
Sorry Maya, mommy failed again on getting that green tripe for you...
Monday, December 12, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Vet Visit
Maya and I went to the vet yesterday for her adult DA2PP and rabies vaccinations. While we were there, I also asked the doctor to help express her anal sacs, as she seemed to be bothered by her butt a lot lately. The visit went by pretty smoothly. Maya took her two shots like a champ and only yelped a bit when the doctor poked her butt.
We also discussed a bit about Maya's allergies situations. The doctor thinks it's good progress that we were able to lower her dosage to about twice a week and she even suggested us to stop for a while when things are more stable. I asked if we can do an allergy blood test there, but unfortunately they don't provide that type of service, so we might still need to go back to the super expensive dermatologist. The allergy test might not be necessary, but I kind of want to do it just to be sure what's causing Maya's allergies.
I'm grateful that Maya really enjoys going to the vet. Maybe because we live right across the street from it and Maya gets to see all the dogs coming in and out of the place through our window everyday. To her, it might be like a doggie Disneyland, which she long desires. Even though every time she ended up with a few shots, some weird stuff going in her nose or her butt poked, she still adores the place. I was afraid that she'll stop loving the place after her spay operation, but seems like there hasn't be any negative effects at all. What a silly little girl. Let's hope it stays this way!
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Maya's 2nd vet visit when she's around 4 months old |
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
This is an introduction to raw diet written in Chinese and was posted to the dog forum on Ptt (a Taiwanese BBS site). Hopefully it can bring some awareness to this different feeding option and my experience can encourage those who are interested to give it a try.
自從決定養狗後,我就不時在不少討論區及網站看到生食(Raw Diet)的資訊。我有幾度想嘗試看看,但總覺得很複雜及麻煩,所以就一直沒有真的行動。直到今年六月起,Maya有了嚴重的過敏的問題,在換過了數總不同飼料及花了無數的醫藥費後,終於証實是環境造成的過敏,也靠藥物壓了下來。但我總覺得這是治標不治本,也不希望她一輩子都要依靠藥物,所以我開始積極上網閱讀別的飼主處理狗狗過敏問題的經驗分享,此時生食的概念又再度不時地出現在不同的文章中了。大部份的食物過敏,在飼主改餵生食後,都得到立即的改善,而也有不少環境過敏的狗狗,在吃生食一陣子後,不藥而癒。這消息燃起了我的希望,也決定讓Maya改吃生食看看,就算無助於改善過敏的問題,我相信較營養的飲食也有其它益處,而有點挑食的Maya也會較享受。(那陣子Maya生病最嚴重時,她常常都不吃飯,叫我更加擔心。)
因為一開始我實在不知從何著手,我決定直接購買現成的冷凍配方。所幸我們家附近的寵物用品店有不少口碑好的品牌,而我就挑了評價不錯的Nature's Variety的羊肉餐及Primal的沙丁魚絞肉(非全餐,用於拌在正餐中,因為我希望Maya能吃點魚)。冷凍配方的好處是真的很方便,每天只要把隔天要吃的份量從冷凍庫拿出來解凍,要吃的時候把肉餅放到碗內就好了,血水腥味都已處理掉,所以幾乎和餵乾狗食般乾淨。而配方全餐的營養成份都經過了認可,所以也不用擔心均不均衡的問題。至於缺點則是價錢真的不便宜,而且因為連骨頭都絞碎了,狗狗也失去了自己啃骨頭的益處(如清潔牙齒及運動下巴和肩膀的肌肉)。而且雖然是生食,但多多少少還是有經過加工處理,對於食材的來源及成份,也較沒辦法精確的掌握。
體重21磅(約9.5公斤)的Maya,一天約吃6至8盎司(約170-220公克)的食物。 她一週的食譜大至如下:(百分比是以總食量而非那餐的量為底;內臟目前以雞和牛為主,但希望以後能增加變化)
自從決定養狗後,我就不時在不少討論區及網站看到生食(Raw Diet)的資訊。我有幾度想嘗試看看,但總覺得很複雜及麻煩,所以就一直沒有真的行動。直到今年六月起,Maya有了嚴重的過敏的問題,在換過了數總不同飼料及花了無數的醫藥費後,終於証實是環境造成的過敏,也靠藥物壓了下來。但我總覺得這是治標不治本,也不希望她一輩子都要依靠藥物,所以我開始積極上網閱讀別的飼主處理狗狗過敏問題的經驗分享,此時生食的概念又再度不時地出現在不同的文章中了。大部份的食物過敏,在飼主改餵生食後,都得到立即的改善,而也有不少環境過敏的狗狗,在吃生食一陣子後,不藥而癒。這消息燃起了我的希望,也決定讓Maya改吃生食看看,就算無助於改善過敏的問題,我相信較營養的飲食也有其它益處,而有點挑食的Maya也會較享受。(那陣子Maya生病最嚴重時,她常常都不吃飯,叫我更加擔心。)
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生病中的Maya |
因為一開始我實在不知從何著手,我決定直接購買現成的冷凍配方。所幸我們家附近的寵物用品店有不少口碑好的品牌,而我就挑了評價不錯的Nature's Variety的羊肉餐及Primal的沙丁魚絞肉(非全餐,用於拌在正餐中,因為我希望Maya能吃點魚)。冷凍配方的好處是真的很方便,每天只要把隔天要吃的份量從冷凍庫拿出來解凍,要吃的時候把肉餅放到碗內就好了,血水腥味都已處理掉,所以幾乎和餵乾狗食般乾淨。而配方全餐的營養成份都經過了認可,所以也不用擔心均不均衡的問題。至於缺點則是價錢真的不便宜,而且因為連骨頭都絞碎了,狗狗也失去了自己啃骨頭的益處(如清潔牙齒及運動下巴和肩膀的肌肉)。而且雖然是生食,但多多少少還是有經過加工處理,對於食材的來源及成份,也較沒辦法精確的掌握。
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冷凍配方入手 |
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第一餐自備的生食 |
體重21磅(約9.5公斤)的Maya,一天約吃6至8盎司(約170-220公克)的食物。 她一週的食譜大至如下:(百分比是以總食量而非那餐的量為底;內臟目前以雞和牛為主,但希望以後能增加變化)
- 早餐:(約佔40%)
- 肝臟:5%
- 腎臟:5%
- 心臟:5%
- 雞、鴨胗:5%
- 雞蛋:1-2 顆(新鮮時生吃,放了一陣子後就白煮)
- 絞肉:補齊剩下不足的重量
- 補給品:蜂蜜(當地生產的)、蘋果醋、大蒜粉、海草粉(Kelp)、紫花苜蓿粉(Alfalfa)、椰子油、維他命 C、優格(原味)、花生醬(無糖無鹽)
- 晚餐:(約佔60%,以帶骨的肉為主)
- 星期日:青花魚一尾
- 星期一:雞腿
- 星期二:牛背排
- 星期三:小胡瓜魚數尾
- 星期四:鴨腿
- 星期五:火雞脖子
- 星期六:豬背排
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第一次吃一整條魚 |
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第一個月前後的變化 |
- 多做研究:網路上的文章很多,有時也會有相衝突,自己要判斷什麼適合自己的狗。我並不是營養學家,所以我的食譜也請當參考就好。生食並非丟一塊生肉給狗狗就好,骨頭及內臟都非常重要,過多過少都不好。長期餵食不均衡的生食,比餵食品質不好的乾飼料還糟。生食到底是好是壞,目前也沒有定論,就連在美國的獸醫也有不少持反對的意見。我的網誌右邊在「RAW DIET」目錄下有不少連結,可以從那看起,只可惜都是英文的。
- 慢慢來:每隻狗狗身體狀況都不同,改餵生食時記得慢慢來,不要一次給太多不同的新食材。如果便便一直太軟或是拉肚子,可以給點南瓜或益生菌(probiotic)幫助消化。
- 衛生問題:將肉類冷凍能殺死不少有害細菌及病毒,對於比較不可靠的肉類,可以先冷凍幾星期後再餵食。我買的豬肉我都一定冷凍至少一個月再餵食,以防豬流感。
- 清潔問題:早餐我一律用不鏽鋼碗並用熱水或洗碗機清洗,晚餐則在廚房的瓷磚地鋪一塊塑膠墊餵食,吃完後噴點稀釋過的白醋擦淨,如果狗狗的腳有弄髒(通常不會),就用濕紙巾擦腳。
- 監督進食:沒有吃過生肉的狗狗一開始可能會狼吞虎嚥,剛開始餵食時可以先用手拿住一端,讓狗狗慢慢學會咀嚼。此外,生肉及骨頭對狗狗可能會是高價值的物品,也要小心有護食的行為。
健康、快樂、有活力的Maya |
Monday, November 28, 2011
Fort Funston
I can't believe no one told me about this wonderful park sooner! I found out about it from another doggie blog and just couldn't wait to take Maya there after reading all the great reviews on Yelp. The whole place is like a super big dog park with trails, trees, hills, and even a beach.
It was our first time letting Maya off leash in a non-enclosed area. We were a bit hesitant at first, but to our surprise, Maya did extremely well. While walking down the trails, she would run a few steps ahead of us and stop to wait till we catch up. While chasing other dogs on the beach, she would run back every now and then to check on us. Though her recall wasn't perfect, it was pretty reliable. She even gave up chasing a group of birds and came back to us. We were so proud of her!
Our entire family fell in love with this park in a heartbeat. It'll be hard to go back to the old boring, fenced-in dog parks from now on. Just kind of wish it's closer to where we live, but the extra miles are totally worth it.
It was our first time letting Maya off leash in a non-enclosed area. We were a bit hesitant at first, but to our surprise, Maya did extremely well. While walking down the trails, she would run a few steps ahead of us and stop to wait till we catch up. While chasing other dogs on the beach, she would run back every now and then to check on us. Though her recall wasn't perfect, it was pretty reliable. She even gave up chasing a group of birds and came back to us. We were so proud of her!
Our entire family fell in love with this park in a heartbeat. It'll be hard to go back to the old boring, fenced-in dog parks from now on. Just kind of wish it's closer to where we live, but the extra miles are totally worth it.
Central Coast California Road Trip
Last week our family along with two friends from the east coast took a 3-day trip down the California Central Coast all the way to Santa Barbara. It was our first time on a road trip with Maya and we were definitely a bit nervous. I'm glad I did plenty of homework before the trip and had a big list of dog-friendly restaurants and attractions on hand. Maya was able to join us on most of the adventures, and hopefully to our friends, who flew all the way here, the trip wasn't too doggie-centric.
The only problem we ran into was to keep Maya quiet at night. The walls at the hotels were really thin, and Maya kept being startled when someone walked by or talked too loudly. She would run to the door nervously and bark (or more of a low roar) nonstop. She never barked at home, either to our guests or people walking by our apartment door, so it was quite surprising to us. It was indeed an unfamiliar environment with lots of weird noises, so we couldn't really blame her for being so worked up. I held her tightly in my arms the first night and managed to get through most of it quietly, but the trick failed to work again the next day. I got too tired, so I just shoved her into her crate and decided to let it be. Fortunately, that was the right move. She calmed down in the crate and slept through the rest of the night. I guess the confined space made her feel safe. Now we know what we MUST bring on our future trips.
The highlight of the trip was at Hendry's Beach in Santa Barbara. We found a nice area where she can run safely unleashed and she had a wonderful time running up and down along the coast. To our surprise, she even stepped into the water willingly when chasing other dogs. Watching her conquer her fear of water was a big moment for us. She still wouldn't go further to get her tummy wet, but it was already a big step forward.
The only problem we ran into was to keep Maya quiet at night. The walls at the hotels were really thin, and Maya kept being startled when someone walked by or talked too loudly. She would run to the door nervously and bark (or more of a low roar) nonstop. She never barked at home, either to our guests or people walking by our apartment door, so it was quite surprising to us. It was indeed an unfamiliar environment with lots of weird noises, so we couldn't really blame her for being so worked up. I held her tightly in my arms the first night and managed to get through most of it quietly, but the trick failed to work again the next day. I got too tired, so I just shoved her into her crate and decided to let it be. Fortunately, that was the right move. She calmed down in the crate and slept through the rest of the night. I guess the confined space made her feel safe. Now we know what we MUST bring on our future trips.
The highlight of the trip was at Hendry's Beach in Santa Barbara. We found a nice area where she can run safely unleashed and she had a wonderful time running up and down along the coast. To our surprise, she even stepped into the water willingly when chasing other dogs. Watching her conquer her fear of water was a big moment for us. She still wouldn't go further to get her tummy wet, but it was already a big step forward.
Maya had to share her trunk space with all the luggages |
Lunch in Monterey |
Boat paddling in Monterey |
Carmel Beach |
Indoor dog-friendly restaurant in Carmel |
Downtown Solvang |
Hendry's Beach in Santa Barbara |
Exhausted on our way back home |
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Stella & Chewy's Freeze-Dried Raw
We took Maya on a 3-day road trip earlier this week. As I was preparing for the trip, I looked into various options for her meals on the road. It'd be too troublesome to bring what she eats at home or some premade frozen raw, so I decided to go with freeze-dried raw instead. I planned to get the Honest Kitchen's meals in their trial size packages, but unfortunately both stores I went to only have the 4 lb boxes, which is a bit too much given that we will only be traveling for 3 days. So I ended up only getting some THK samples and bought a bag of "Stella's Super Beef Freeze-Dried Dinner".
Overall, it's a of good quality and very convenient. I soaked the patties in warm water when I had access to it, or just added cold water when it wasn't available. It didn't seem to matter much to Maya though, as she gobbled it down no matter how I prepared it. I gave her a small piece dry as a treat and she enjoyed it as well. Her poop was also very firm while on the diet. (I did start giving her a small piece each meal a few days before the trip to let her tummy get used to it.)
The only compliant I have is the price. I was excepting something similar to frozen raw, which I thought is already very pricy, but this costed way more. For a 6 oz bag, I spent around $18, and according to the recommended feeding amount, it would only last 2 days for Maya's weight. (I didn't feed as much, and was able to cover 5 meals with 1 bag.)
Will I recommend it to others? Yes. If price isn't an issue, it's excellent for those who don't have access to a freezer but wants to feed raw. Will I buy it again? Maybe. I may get it if I go on another short trip or need to board Maya for just a few days. However, for longer trips/stays, I might go with the Honest Kitchen instead to save a bit on costs.
Overall, it's a of good quality and very convenient. I soaked the patties in warm water when I had access to it, or just added cold water when it wasn't available. It didn't seem to matter much to Maya though, as she gobbled it down no matter how I prepared it. I gave her a small piece dry as a treat and she enjoyed it as well. Her poop was also very firm while on the diet. (I did start giving her a small piece each meal a few days before the trip to let her tummy get used to it.)
The only compliant I have is the price. I was excepting something similar to frozen raw, which I thought is already very pricy, but this costed way more. For a 6 oz bag, I spent around $18, and according to the recommended feeding amount, it would only last 2 days for Maya's weight. (I didn't feed as much, and was able to cover 5 meals with 1 bag.)
Will I recommend it to others? Yes. If price isn't an issue, it's excellent for those who don't have access to a freezer but wants to feed raw. Will I buy it again? Maybe. I may get it if I go on another short trip or need to board Maya for just a few days. However, for longer trips/stays, I might go with the Honest Kitchen instead to save a bit on costs.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Homemade Raw - Week 4
The Plan:
- Start Date: 10/30/2011
- New Ingredients: Turkey, mackerel
- New Supplements: Garlic
- Meal 1: Ground beef + veggie mix + cod liver oil + uber powder + vitamin E, cooked eggs twice a week
- Meal 2: Raw meaty bones (chicken or turkey)
- Uber Powder: Vitamin C, kelp, alfalfa, Gentle Digest, Only Natural Pet Immune Balance
- Veggie Mix: Baby carrots, apples, apple cider vinegar, honey, coconut oil
Day 1: Had her first mackerel for dinner. She really enjoyed it.
Day 2: Maybe because her dinners are really tasty, she starts to be picky about her breakfast, and it gets worse everyday. Will try to lower the amount of supplements in her breakfast and see if she like them better. Her poop was a bit soft in the morning, probably because of the fish. Was kind of hard to pick up, but not too loose or watery.
Day 3: Removed the veggie mix from her breakfast, and she seems to like it better. Fed her turkey neck for the first time for dinner.
Day 4: Gave her frozen veggie mix as treats and she enjoyed it better this way.
Day 5: Gobbled down a whole cooked egg with her breakfast. (I was only planning to give her half of it and eat the other half myself, but I made a mess removing the shell, so gave her the whole thing.) Got her second turkey neck as dinner.
Day 6: Soft poop again after eating the turkey neck.
Day 7: Ate a lot of new stuff today while we were slicing and bagging her meals so we gave her some extra chicken bones in hope her tummy won't get upset.
Day 4: Gave her frozen veggie mix as treats and she enjoyed it better this way.
Day 5: Gobbled down a whole cooked egg with her breakfast. (I was only planning to give her half of it and eat the other half myself, but I made a mess removing the shell, so gave her the whole thing.) Got her second turkey neck as dinner.
Day 6: Soft poop again after eating the turkey neck.
Day 7: Ate a lot of new stuff today while we were slicing and bagging her meals so we gave her some extra chicken bones in hope her tummy won't get upset.
- Veggie mix is officially not part of Maya's breakfast anymore.
- As Maya's transition to raw is pretty much done, I'm going to stop posting these weekly updates.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
A Raw Meaty Day
Yesterday we went to sfraw for the first time to check out what they are selling. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed as many of the items listed on their website weren't available and the prices were kind of high. I was kind of sad because the one thing I really wanted was green tripe and they didn't have it this week. We ended up spending around $75 and got a huge bag of beef hearts, a big bag of duck legs, some chicken hearts and chicken bone-in cuts. On our way home, we also stopped by a Chinese supermarket and got some duck gizzards, chicken gizzards, pork kidneys and smelts.
The real "fun" began after we got home. We spent about two hours slicing and bagging the meat/organs/fish to meal size portions, labeling everything and fitting it all into our small freezer (while Maya sat there looking desperately at us). I hope these supplies will last for a while, cause I really don't want to touch raw meat again anytime soon.
The real "fun" began after we got home. We spent about two hours slicing and bagging the meat/organs/fish to meal size portions, labeling everything and fitting it all into our small freezer (while Maya sat there looking desperately at us). I hope these supplies will last for a while, cause I really don't want to touch raw meat again anytime soon.
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Slicing up a huge beef heart |
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Bagged and labeled |
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Fitting everything into the small freezer |
Sunday, October 30, 2011
First Whole Fish Experience
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Homemade Raw - Week 3
The Plan:
Day 1: Mixed some ground beef and alfalfa powder in her breakfast.
Day 2: Increased the amount of ground beef for breakfast. Dinner: daddy mistakenly gave Maya tomorrow's breakfast as dinner.
Day 3: Breakfast: ate the chicken leg that was meant for last night's dinner. We will be out of town and Maya will be staying at a friend's place for 2 days, will be eating Nature's Variety's premade lamb for the next few meals so it won't be too troublesome.
Day 4: Breakfast & dinner: premade lamb.
Day 5: Breakfast & dinner: premade lamb. Didn't finish all her dinner.
Day 6: Back home. Breakfast: 3oz ground beef + big chuck of veggie mix + uber powder. She didn't finish it, so I'll probably cut down the amount tomorrow. Dinner: chicken leg. Poop was pretty firm.
Day 7: Cut breakfast to half. She ate most of it, but still left a bite. So picky. Gave her a small spoon of honey mixed with warm water before bed. (I added some honey to the veggie mix, but she's not eating as much as I expected, so I gave her some separately.)
Day 8: Added a cooked egg yolk and a sprinkle of garlic powder to her breakfast.
Day 9: Had partially loose poop. Removing the garlic and will try cooked egg again.
Day 10: She seems to have a habit of leaving one bite of her breakfast. So annoying.
Day 11: Daddy accidentally gave her twice the amount for her breakfast, but she ate most of it (with 1 bite left, of course).
- Start Date: 10/19/2011
- New Ingredients: Ground beef, cooked eggs
- New Supplements: Alfalfa powder
- Meal 1: Switch from ground chicken to ground beef + veggie mix + cod liver oil + uber powder + vitamin E, cooked eggs twice a week
- Meal 2: Raw meaty bones (chicken)
- Uber Powder: Vitamin C, kelp, alfalfa, Gentle Digest, Only Natural Pet Immune Balance
- Veggie Mix: Baby carrots, apples, apple cider vinegar, honey, coconut oil
Day 1: Mixed some ground beef and alfalfa powder in her breakfast.
Day 2: Increased the amount of ground beef for breakfast. Dinner: daddy mistakenly gave Maya tomorrow's breakfast as dinner.
Day 3: Breakfast: ate the chicken leg that was meant for last night's dinner. We will be out of town and Maya will be staying at a friend's place for 2 days, will be eating Nature's Variety's premade lamb for the next few meals so it won't be too troublesome.
Day 4: Breakfast & dinner: premade lamb.
Day 5: Breakfast & dinner: premade lamb. Didn't finish all her dinner.
Day 6: Back home. Breakfast: 3oz ground beef + big chuck of veggie mix + uber powder. She didn't finish it, so I'll probably cut down the amount tomorrow. Dinner: chicken leg. Poop was pretty firm.
Day 7: Cut breakfast to half. She ate most of it, but still left a bite. So picky. Gave her a small spoon of honey mixed with warm water before bed. (I added some honey to the veggie mix, but she's not eating as much as I expected, so I gave her some separately.)
Day 8: Added a cooked egg yolk and a sprinkle of garlic powder to her breakfast.
Day 9: Had partially loose poop. Removing the garlic and will try cooked egg again.
Day 10: She seems to have a habit of leaving one bite of her breakfast. So annoying.
Day 11: Daddy accidentally gave her twice the amount for her breakfast, but she ate most of it (with 1 bite left, of course).
- We noticed that all the chicken meaty bones bought from Costco are enhanced (with sodium). Will try soaking the meat in water for an hour before feeding her from now on, till we finish the big bag of drumsticks.
- Done with detoxification? Her poop is now pretty firm and stable, no more eye gunk, and her fur is starting to grow back in.
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Top: mid-September, Bottom: Oct. 26 |
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Fur Changes
Thank god Maya finally stopped shedding! Here are some pictures showing the changes of her fur. In both sets of photos:
- Top left: 2 months old (September 2010), with fluffy baby fur.
- Top right: 6 months old (January 2011), after she lost her baby fur.
- Bottom left: 10 months old (May/June 2011), got super fluffy after a ski trip to Tahoe.
- Bottom right: 1 year 3 months old (October 2011), she actually weights 1 pound more than the bottom left picture. (Imagine the amount of fur we collected in the past few months.)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Fish Oil and Vitamin E
Something new I learned today:
From DogAware:
From oilofpisces:
From Organic Facts:
- Fish oil will decrease the amount of vitamin E in the blood stream.
- Vitamin E will help increase the consumption of fish oil.
- When feeding fish oil, make sure to supplement vitamin E.
From DogAware:
"You must add vitamin E to the dog’s diet whenever you supplement with oils, to prevent the body from being depleted of this vitamin over time."
From oilofpisces:
"The vitamin E concentration in the red blood cells dropped very significantly when fish oil was ingested but more than recovered with the vitamin E supplement. It is concluded that the negative effects of fish oil consumption can be overcome by taking them together with vitamin E."
From Organic Facts:
"Fish oil undergoes oxidation and can become rancid, leading to formation of free radicals. Addition of antioxidants such as vitamin E to fish oil can help prevent the formation of these free radicals. Excessive dosage of fish oil leads to reduction of Vitamin E in the human body. This loss of vitamin E should be supplemented with external vitamin E supplements. The combination of fish oil and vitamin E can have added benefit in the treatment of many cancers and heart diseases, than if they are used individually."
Monday, October 24, 2011
Maya's additional property laws:
- If it's a ball, it's mine.
- If it rolls like a ball, it's mine.
- If I throw a ball under the sofa, it's still mine. (But you need to get it out for me.)
- If you pick up a ball from under the sofa, it's mine.
Maya's Weekend Getaway
Maya's daddy and I went on a short trip to LA last weekend. While we were out of town, a friend was really kind and offered to look after Maya. At first it was a bit chaotic when Maya first met her two Jack Russell Terriers, Casper and Bella, but they finally end up getting along (most of the time).
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Homemade Raw - Week 2
The Plan:
Day 1: Breakfast: mixed some uber powder with ground chicken and lamb patty. Was worried she won't eat it, since it was quite powdery, but she was fine. Made some veggie mix and gave her a sip as a snack in the afternoon. She wasn't crazy about it, but finished most of it. The Gentle Digest came in, so gave her a capsule today. Hope it'll help firm up her poop. Dinner: chicken thigh.
Day 2: Breakfast: ground chicken + uber powder + frozen veggie mix. She left most of the veggie mix untouched and ate all the meat. Will try melting the veggie and see how that goes. Dinner: 2 chicken wings. The Gentle Digest really worked. Her poop finally firmed up.
Day 3: Breakfast: melted the veggie and blended with the ground chicken. She finished it all, yay!
Day 4: Cut back the veggie mix to half an ice cube. There's a big debate on whether dogs need veggie. Since she doesn't like it that much, might as well decrease the amount.
Day 5: Start adding cod liver oil to breakfast. I'm running out of ground chicken and she's adjusting well, so I'm cutting this "week" short.
- Start Date: 10/14/2011
- New Ingredients: Veggie Mix
- New Supplements: Ark Naturals Gentle Digest, Kelp, Cod Liver Oil
- Meal 1: Ground chicken + veggie mix + cod liver oil + uber powder + vitamin E
- Meal 2: Raw meaty bones (chicken)
- Uber Powder: Vitamin C, kelp, Only Natural Pet Immune Balance
- Veggie Mix: Baby carrots, apples, apple cider vinegar, honey, coconut oil
Day 1: Breakfast: mixed some uber powder with ground chicken and lamb patty. Was worried she won't eat it, since it was quite powdery, but she was fine. Made some veggie mix and gave her a sip as a snack in the afternoon. She wasn't crazy about it, but finished most of it. The Gentle Digest came in, so gave her a capsule today. Hope it'll help firm up her poop. Dinner: chicken thigh.
Day 2: Breakfast: ground chicken + uber powder + frozen veggie mix. She left most of the veggie mix untouched and ate all the meat. Will try melting the veggie and see how that goes. Dinner: 2 chicken wings. The Gentle Digest really worked. Her poop finally firmed up.
Day 3: Breakfast: melted the veggie and blended with the ground chicken. She finished it all, yay!
Day 4: Cut back the veggie mix to half an ice cube. There's a big debate on whether dogs need veggie. Since she doesn't like it that much, might as well decrease the amount.
Day 5: Start adding cod liver oil to breakfast. I'm running out of ground chicken and she's adjusting well, so I'm cutting this "week" short.
- She's okey with the veggie and powder when mixed with ground meat
- Gentle Digest really helped firm up her poop
- She's chewing on her raw meaty bones a bit longer before swallowing
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Deer Antler
Maya got a new toy/treat on Friday. A deer antler.
Ever since Maya started on raw, she has been much more energetic and spends much less time sleeping during the day. We need to find some stuff for her to do before she gets too bored and starts chewing on things she shouldn't. So far she really liked it, and already made a small hole on one end. Hope this thing can last a bit longer. It's not cheap!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Homemade Raw - Week 1
The Plan:
Day 2: Since we already gave her that much on day 1, my "switch gradually" plan kind of ended there. Gave her 2 feet plus 1 wing for dinner.
- Start Date: 10/7/2011
- New Ingredients: Chicken Feet, Chicken Wings, Chicken Thighs
- New Supplements: Vitamin E, Vitamin C
- Meal 1: Continue feeding Nature's Variety's lamb with some Primal sardine grind
- Meal 2: Gradually switch to feeding raw chicken
Day 1: Was only planning to give her a chicken foot as snack, but daddy couldn't resist and gave her a chicken wing as well. She ate the foot pieces by pieces, but swallowed the wing in whole after breaking the bones. Kind of scary. Started to add vitamin E to her breakfast.
Day 2: Since we already gave her that much on day 1, my "switch gradually" plan kind of ended there. Gave her 2 feet plus 1 wing for dinner.
Day 3: Poop was half really firm and half really soft. Gave her a chicken thigh for dinner. She kind of swallowed the whole piece again. Asked on Dogster if this is normal, and everyone seems to be think it's okey.
Day 4: Refused to eat her breakfast. Took some premade lamb when fed by hand, but won't touch the sardine at all. Poop was firm inside but soft outside. For dinner, she got the remaining lamb patties from breakfast, a chicken wing and chicken foot. Also gave her 1/3 capsule of vitamin C.
Day 5: Removed sardine and just gave her the lamb patties. She's still not interested. Poop was still soft. Maybe the lamb is too rich for her? Had 2 chicken wings for dinner.
Day 5: Removed sardine and just gave her the lamb patties. She's still not interested. Poop was still soft. Maybe the lamb is too rich for her? Had 2 chicken wings for dinner.
Day 6: Since she wasn't that interested in the lamb, I started to add some ground chicken to her breakfast. She finished the entire meal (including the lamb) in seconds. She followed me around as if she's still hungry, so I gave her some sardine mix. She ate a small bite, then turned her nose up again. What a picky girl! I guess she's really not that into fish (except the super pricy sashimi daddy secretly slips under the table when I'm not watching). Dinner: chicken thigh. She seems to be chew on the meat a bit longer now.
Day 7: Breakfast: 1 oz of ground chicken + 2 lamb patties. Gobbled all up in seconds. Added 1/2 capsule of vitamin C to her chicken, and she doesn't seem to mind it. Dinner: 1 chicken foot + 1 chicken wing. Her poop is still very soft and stinky.
- She likes raw chicken
- She doesn't like fish/sardine
- Poop still soft
- She's okey with vitamin E and C in her food
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Raw Feeding Tools
I'm a true believer of using the right tools to make life easier. As soon as I decided to feed raw, I started to look for tools that will help make it less of a hassle.
Stainless Steel Bowls
Maya used to have just one bowl that we use to feed her. Since were feeding her kibbles, it's really easy to clean, so we just rinse it before each meal and occasionally put it in the dishwasher. However, once we start feeding raw, the food will be much greasier and I really HATE washing greasy dishes. My solution: get a bunch of stainless steel bowls that are dishwasher-safe. Now I have enough bowls to last till I wash my own dishes in the dishwasher. I even found some lids that fit perfectly (from other plastic containers), so I can just put Maya's frozen meal in a bowl, put on a lid, and leave in the refrigerator to defrost.
Plastic Mat
I found this shelf liner at Bed Bath and Beyond for $10 ($15 with a $5 coupon). It's 24 inches wide and 10 feet long, which I divide into 3 and use as a feeding mat. Super easy to clean and roll up after meals. Maya tried to run away with her chicken wings a few times, but she learned quickly that she needs to stay on the mat or I'll take away the yummy.
Kitchen Scale
I need to know how much I'm feeding, so I went looking for a kitchen scale and found this on Amazon with lots of great reviews. It's supports multiple units, can subtract the weight of the container, and is accurate down to 1 gram. Not too big, not too small, fits perfectly on the kitchen counter.
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