Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Snoopy Decal

I got a Snoopy decal for my laptop, because between the two of us, we have 4 computers that look exactly the same. (Each of us has 1 from work and 1 for personal.) I was afraid that one day I'll grab the wrong one as I rush out to work and that'll be really embarrassing, so I need a way to differentiate the machines elegantly.

I was trying to find a Shiba Inu decal at first, but the ones I found were either too realistic or ugly and none looks like my long-coat Shiba. Since Snoopy has always been my best doggie friend before I met Maya, he is no doubt my top choice. For $1.35, I'm pretty happy with the result. Let's see if it can sustain the everyday wear and tear.

My first Snoopy at my 3-year-old birthday

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