Monday, February 20, 2012

A Happy Sunday

After not pooping for three days, which the doctor told us to except, Maya finally pooped on Sunday morning. It was still kind of soft, but at least it was in a solid form and left nothing behind on the butt. I realized I never took a picture of her pooping, so I snapped one to celebrate the moment.

Not glamorous, but worth remembering

After the morning walk, Maya had a great time hanging out with little HM, while the parents enjoyed another LINsanity sensation. Maya stole three pieces of Cheerios from HM, and HM took over Maya's bed, so I guess they were even.

Playdate with baby HM

I had been feeding Maya rice mixed with a tiny bit of THK Zeal for the past few days. Since she seemed to be back to normal, I gave her a full Zeal meal in the evening. I'll probably start adding some raw meat in a day or two if things continue to go well.

No longer curled up into a ball all day

1 comment:

  1. Yay Maya! I hope she continued to get better.

    ROFL at the pooping picture... I've got a couple of those of Conker but I haven't shared any with the public yet XD
